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From Cloud to Couch, My Blog's Quirky Journey Home

· 5 min read
Agastya Darma Laksana

Welcome to my latest digital escapade – a tale that’s part tech, part humor, and entirely real. I’m here to tell you about how my blog, once a mere visitor in the vast cloud, found its way to the cozy confines of my own home. Yes, you read that right. My blog now lives on a Raspberry Pi 4 server, right here under my roof. Let’s dive into this delightful journey of migration, shall we?

The Origin Story

Every great adventure starts with a vision. Mine was built with Docusaurus – a fantastic platform that makes documentation a breeze but also doubles up as a brilliant blog framework. It’s like having a Swiss Army knife, but for blogging. Neat, right?

Now, I must confess, I’m a bit of a neat freak when it comes to my digital life. So, naturally, my blog was dockerized. Think of it like packing your entire house into a single, magical suitcase – ready to move anywhere, anytime. This nifty trick made the migration process smoother than my morning espresso.

A Raspberry Homecoming

Now, let’s talk about the star of our show – the Raspberry Pi 4. This tiny yet mighty device transformed from a hobbyist's plaything into the powerhouse behind my blog. Hosting a blog on a Raspberry Pi? Sounds crazy, right? But that's exactly what I did. In the quiet corner of my home, this little gadget hums with the life of my blog, proving that you don't need a massive server to make a big impact on the digital stage.

Tunnels and Clouds

cludflare argo tunnel config

Navigating the complexities of the internet, especially when hosting a website or blog, requires a secure and reliable connection. This is where Cloudflared's Argo Tunnel comes into play in my setup. It's not just any regular internet connection – it's a fortified, encrypted pathway designed to ensure secure and efficient communication between my Raspberry Pi and the wider internet. Imagine a secret underground tunnel, hidden away from the chaos of surface traffic, providing a safe and speedy route for my data. This setup guarantees that my blog remains accessible and secure, avoiding potential cyber threats and ensuring uninterrupted service to my readers.

The domain of a blog is more than just a web address; it’s an integral part of its identity, its brand. For my blog, is that digital signature, a unique identifier in the vast sea of the internet. Linking this domain to my Raspberry Pi hosted blog was an essential step in establishing its new home. By routing through the Cloudflared Argo Tunnel, I’ve created a direct and efficient pathway for traffic to reach my blog. It’s akin to setting up a bespoke postal service, one that ensures prompt and secure delivery of content – my digital letters, if you will – to my audience without any detours or delays.

This journey of migration is not just about moving a blog from one hosting environment to another; it's about reimagining what's possible with technology. It's a blend of the old and the new – the tried and tested Raspberry Pi, a favorite among tech hobbyists, coming together with modern solutions like Cloudflared's Argo Tunnel to create a robust, home-based web hosting environment. This blend of technology demonstrates that with the right tools and a bit of ingenuity, you can create a powerful digital presence without relying on traditional, often expensive, hosting solutions.

In essence, this project is a testament to the power of small-scale, home-based technology solutions in a world that's increasingly moving towards decentralization and personal control over digital assets. Hosting my blog on a Raspberry Pi 4, connected securely to the internet through Cloudflared's Argo Tunnel, and accessible via a personalized domain, embodies a shift in how we approach web hosting and content delivery. It’s a shift towards more personal, customizable, and cost-effective solutions, proving that sometimes, the best way to move forward is by bringing things closer to home.

Docker, but Easier

portainer config of this blog

Handling Docker can be a bit like juggling digital cats. To simplify this, I turned to Portainer. It’s a graphical interface that brings simplicity and clarity to managing Docker containers. With Portainer, I could easily update, modify, and maintain my blog’s backend without diving into the command-line abyss. It’s like having a sleek, user-friendly dashboard for your car, making driving (or in this case, managing a blog) a breeze.

Counting the Costs

Running a blog doesn't have to break the bank, and my setup is a testament to that. By moving to a Raspberry Pi hosted at home, I've slashed hosting costs without sacrificing performance. For a blog with modest traffic like mine, this is a game-changer. It's like discovering a secret recipe that makes your favorite dish not just tastier but also cheaper to cook.

You Are Here!

If you're reading this, you've already become a part of this story. Whether you're accessing my blog directly from my Raspberry Pi server or via Cloudflare's cached version, you're experiencing the fruits of this home-grown, tech-savvy labor. Each click, each visit, is a nod to this unique journey from cloud-based to couch-based blogging.